With the support of the McDougal Family Foundation, the Mott Foundation, and the Alliance for the Great Lakes, the UIC Freshwater Lab is excited to announce:
Freshwater Lab Summit 2017
It’s not the Rust Belt, it’s the Water Belt
Wednesday, May 10th, 2017
Thursday, May 11th, 2017
University of Illinois – Chicago
Student Center East Meeting Rooms
750 South Halsted Street
Chicago IL 60607
Untrouble the Waters is a summit dedicated to bringing mayors, local leaders, and researchers together to envision and launch projects that benefit communities and watersheds alike. Amidst questions of federal intentions about the Clean Water Act and Clean Water Rule; aging infrastructure; and water crises such as algae blooms, lead poisoning, and water shutoffs; the UIC Freshwater Lab invites government officials, academic researchers and community leaders to Untrouble the Waters.
The goals of the summit include:
- Highlighting water leadership, particularly by women and people of color
- Creating and supporting a network to address pressing water issues across cities of the Great Lakes basin
- Exploring equitable water sharing as a means of racial reconciliation and economic development
- Conceiving projects to enhance water quality, human health, and everyday life
- Building partnerships among government, academia, and communities
Wednesday, May 10th, 2017
9:00 AM: Welcome
UIC Student Center East, The Cardinal Room, Room 330
Dean Astrida Tantillo, UIC College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Professor Rachel Havrelock, Director, Freshwater Lab
Professor Johari Jabir, Untrouble the Waters song
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM: Keynote Speech
UIC Student Center East, The Cardinal Room, Room 330
Maude Barlow, National Chairperson, Council of Canadians
11:00 AM – 12 PM: Address
UIC Student Center East, The Cardinal Room, Room 330
Denise Abdul-Rahman, Environmental Climate Justice Chair, NAACP Indiana
Co-sponsored by the UIC Chancellor’s Committee on the Status of Blacks, Women’s Leadership and Resource Center, & the African-American Cultural Center
Noon: Lunch
1:30 – 2:30 PM: Environmental Justice Plenary
UIC Student Center East, The Cardinal Room, Room 330
Principled Community Based Research and Media Strategies: Aligning with the Grassroots for Clean Water Access
Moderated by Antonio Lopez, Associate, Freshwater Lab
Debra Taylor, Co-Founder, We the People of Detroit
Yanna Lambrinidou, PhD, Department of Science and Technology in Society, Virginia Tech.
Kim Wasserman-Nieto, Executive Director, Little Village Environmental Justice Organization (LVEJO)
Robin Amer, Deputy Editor, Chicago Reader
Co-sponsored by the Midwest Environmental Justice Network
2:30 – 2:45 PM: Coffee Break
UIC Student Center East, The Cardinal Room, Room 329
2:45 pm – 5:00 pm: Great Lakes Mayors Panel
UIC Student Center East, The Cardinal Room, Room 330
Moderated by Naomi Davis, President & Founder, Blacks in Green
Mayor Paula Hicks-Hudson, Toledo, Ohio
Mayor Marcus Muhammad, Benton Harbor, Michigan
Mayor John Dickert, Racine, Wisconsin
Mayor Karen Freeman-Wilson, Gary, Indiana
Mayor Tom Barrett, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Former Mayor Hilliard Hampton, Inkster, Michigan
Co-sponsored by the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative
5 PM: Day One of Summit ends
On the second day of the summit, participants will break into working groups. Each working group will begin with a panel presentation, followed by a question and answer session. After a break for lunch, the working groups will resume with facilitated discussions of potential projects that address the issue.
It is our intention for these working groups to generate projects with positive effects on the region’s water and communities. Participants will go into summer ready to untrouble the waters.
Thursday, May 11th, 2017
9:30 AM: Welcome
UIC Student Center East Tower, Room 605
Teresa Córdova, Director, UIC Great Cities Institute
Mila Kellen Marshall, Director of Network Resiliency, Freshwater Lab
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM: Working Group Morning Session
Simultaneous Panel Presentations on the following topics/themes:
Student Center East Tower, Room 613
Professor Noah Hall, Associate Professor, Wayne State University Law School
Susan Satter – Senior Assistant Attorney General at Illinois Attorney General’s Office
Jessica Fujan, Midwest Region Director, Food & Water Watch
Zoë Roller, Program Manager, US Water Alliance
Student Center East Tower, Room 611
Sharif Ezzat, Creative Director, Vital Mind Media
Michael Timm, Creative Lead & Project Manager, Reflo Sustainable Water Solutions
Linda Pulik, Senior Design Director, Fjord
Augustin Ganley, Co-Founder & Co-Director of Children of the Wild, Great Lakes Commons
Lindsay Swan, Co-Director of Children of the Wild, Great Lakes Commons
Student Center East Tower, Room 603
William Copeland, Climate Justice Director, East Michigan Environmental Action Council
Bryce Anderson-Small, Co-Founder, Detroit Homeland Security
Juanita Garcia, Co-Host, Shades of Green
Co-sponsored by the Midwest Environmental Justice Network
Student Center East Tower, Room 713
Robert Blanchard, Chairman, The Bad River Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Tribal Council
Liz Kirkwood, Executive Director, FLOW (For Love of Water)
Jennifer McKay, Policy Director, Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council
Thomas Frank, Toxic Tours
Olga Bautista, Founding Member, Chicago’s Southeast Side Coalition to Ban Petcoke
Student Center East Tower, Room 610
Anna Clark, Journalist, Knight-Wallace Journalism fellow at the University of Michigan
Melissa Mays, Founder, Water You Fighting For & Organizer, Flint Rising
Tio Hardiman, Violence Interrupters
Kirsten Shead, Community Organizer, Milwaukee Water Commons
Oday Salim, Attorney, Great Lakes Environmental Law Center
Yanna Lambrinidou, PhD, Department of Science and Technology in Society, Virginia Tech.
Student Center East Tower, Room 605
Toni Anderson, Founding Executive Director, Sacred Keepers Sustainability Lab
Paul Baines, Outreach and Education Coordinator, Great Lakes Commons
Veronica Kyle, Chicago Outreach Director, Faith in Place
Dr. Bonnie McElhinny, Associate Professor of Anthropology, University of Toronto
12:00 – 1:30 PM: Lunch
1:30 – 3:30 PM: Simultaneous Afternoon Workshops
Each group will produce 1-2 action oriented projects
3:30 – 4:00 PM: Coffee Break
Student Center East Tower, Room 605
4:00 PM: Closing Ceremony
Student Center East Tower, Room 605
4:30 PM: Reception
Gallery 400 (400 S Peoria, MC 034)

The Ink Factory will be using its innovative visual note-taking strategies to help capture all the great ideas generated at the Untrouble the Waters Summit, in order to engage future audiences that also seek to untrouble the waters!
#FWL, #UntroubleTheWaters, #InkFactory
#WaterCosts, #DigitalStorytelling,
#EnvironmentalJustice, #OilPipelines,
#LeadPipes, #GoodWaterNeighbors
(312) 996-6352
The Freshwater Lab
Great Cities Institute (MC 107)
College of Urban Planning and Public Affairs
University of Illinois Chicago
412 South Peoria Street, Suite 400
Chicago, Illinois 60607-7067